
【论著】科研成果通报:王倩雯博士在权威期刊IJPE发表研究成果||Dr. Wang’s Pub. on IJPE

发布者:沙晓燕   发布时间:2023-12-28   浏览次数:10

20237月,智慧供应链研究中心研究员王倩雯博士与天津大学博士生刘旭、浙江大学霍宝锋教授和中欧国际工威尼斯欢乐娱人城v3676赵先德教授合作的研究论文“Economic or relational first? Establishing the competitiveness of third-party logistics information sharing by devoting specific assets and mutual trust”被《International Journal of Production Economics(IJPE)接收。IJPE是运营管理领域的权威期刊,被列为SSCI一区和ABS-3星期刊,其2022影响因子为12.0


In July 2023, Dr. Qianwen Wang’s research paper entitled “Economic or relational first? Establishing the competitiveness of third-party logistics information sharing by devoting specific assets and mutual trust”, is published by International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE). This is joint work by Ph.D. student Xu Liu (Tianjin University), Prof. Baofeng Huo (Zhejiang University), and Prof. Xiande Zhao (CEIBS). IJPE is an ABS-3-ranked journal with an impact factor of 12.0 in 2022.




This study explores the prioritization between economic and relational investments in enhancing operational and strategic information sharing in China's supply chain and logistics context. Drawing on social exchange theory, it reveals the driving effect of logistics users’ and providers’ specific assets. Meanwhile, relational trust plays an intermediation role in realizing the value of two specific assets. The theoretical insights demonstrate the distinct roles of economic and relational investments in promoting operational and strategic information sharing, offering practical guidance for effectively deploying economic and relational investments for manufacturing enterprises in emerging markets.

王倩雯博士于浙江大学获得管理学博士学位,研究方向包括供应链与物流关系管理、供应链社会责任与道德等。研究成果目前发表在《Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Economics》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外高水平期刊,以及POMSAOMDSIASCOM等国际会议。2020年入选苏州大学优秀青年学者,2022年入选江苏省双创博士。担任JBLIJPDLMIMDSDSI等国际期刊/会议匿名审稿人。

Dr. WANG achieved her Ph.D. degree in Management at Zhejiang University. Her research interests include supply chain and logistics relationship management, and supply chain responsibility and ethics. She has published papers in Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Economics, and System Engineering Theory and Practice (in Chinese), as well as conference papers in POMS, AOM, DSI, and ASCOM. She serves as an anonymous reviewer of JBL, IJPDLM, IMDS, and DSI.






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